As you may or may not have heard by now, Nike has been given considerable backlash for its new “Just Do It” Ad (see full video below). After Colin Kaepernick’s collusion case has proceed to trial, his inability to get re-drafted by any team in the NFL, and his political stance in standing up for the black power movement represented by kneeling during the national anthem, Nike has also decided to pick up the political slack and signed Kaepernick to be the face and the voice of their new Dream Crazy Nike campaign.

However, some Nike consumers are ANGRY. There have been reports of consumers cutting out, burning, or boycotting the Nike symbol and brand in response to what they correlate is Nike “approving” of kneeling during the anthem. These are likely the same fans who were saying that kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful to veterans.

What is interesting is that Nike is just doing exactly what Colin Kaepernick did: supporting a dream, standing for “something even if that means sacrificing everything” – the continuing theme on the Dream Crazy ad. Kaepernick did sacrifice everything. He lost millions of dollars in his contract playing professional football for the NFL. Kaepernick made a conscious choice to risk that fame and glory (and money) because he has a social, civil, and political mind with the capability and heart to use his platform to advocate for so much more than fun and games. And frankly, I am so glad he did. Or that someone did. And I don’t think Kaepernick was naïve to this social controversy being an outcome for his actions.

Martin Luther King Jr, Ghandi, and Nelson Mandela, all lost and sacrificed everything because they stood for something. No road to change will be absent from controversy and turmoil. Kaepernick and Nike is just another example of this. I am so proud that there are conversations going on centering civil rights in the sports context as a result of this wave of re-ignition. 

I think sometimes people wonder why I decided to go into “sports law.” I get puzzled or eye- brow- raised looks when I answer that I am interested in an unique field that seems “surface leveled or not really advocating rights and that I must just be interested in the money…” False. I think those that don’t truly understand my passion and purpose think I chose the field just because it sounds fun. But no. I am speaking to you public defenders, plaintiff’s attorneys, corporate lawyers, DAs, and pro bono interested lawyers out there: I am doing this for the same reason you are – to preserve and protect justice, and specifically to fight for civil rights. The only difference between you and me is that I am also looking out for those in the sports context: the minorities, the athletes, the women, the sexually abused, and the domestic violence victims that are lost in translation of being deprived of civil rights because of the supposed fame and glory that shield them from same big issues that both amateur and professional sports deal with on a day to day basis. These are people too. 

Let’s all lean in for what we believe in. People are always going to complain anyway, at least we will stand for something in hopes of provoking some change. As small as it may be.

I said it before in my posts, and I will say it again: Go Nike. Dream Crazy.

1 Comment

  • Nick
    Posted September 17, 2018 9:32 pm 0Likes

    As always, beautifully written. I’m a crazy dreamer too, and don’t plan on stopping.
    Love you.

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